Breadboard computer
As many others, I have wanted to build a breadboard computer from scratch since discovering Ben Eater’s excellent YouTube series on the subject.
After many years, I finally have gotten around to starting the build. My build will not be a one-to-one replication of Ben Eater’s build, I’ll attempt to make it my own. Some of the changes I plan to make:
- I’ll be using 74HCxx CMOS logic chips instead of 74LSxx TTL chips.
- Make sure to focus on signal and power integrity: Decoupling caps, don’t leave unused inputs floating, better power distribution.
- Incorporate improvements from breadboard computers from other people as they seem fit.
- Use 8 bit instructions instead of only 4 bits.
- Part 1 - Clock module - A clock module for the breadboard computer.
Software used during the build
- Falstad circuit simulator (circuitjs) - Javascript circuit simulator, used for simulation and embedding of circuits in posts.
- Digital - Digital logic designer and circuit simulator
Resources and references
Breadboard computers / CPUs
There are several YouTube channels with information about building breadboard computers. Among the channels I have found useful are the following:
- Ben Eater - Ben Eater’s channel, home of the project that initially inspired me to build my own breadboard computer.
- James Sharman - James Sharman is building a pipelined CPU from scratch. He has also made several input/ouput devices from scratch, like VGA, sound and UART.
- Fabian Schuiki - Fabian Schuiki is building a superscalar out-of-order CPU.
- DrMattRegan - Dr Matt Regan has several tutorials building different computers on breadboards.
General computer architecture
- Exploring how computers work - Playlist by Sebastian Lague exploring how computer works starting with logic gates, using his own Simulation tool.
- Computer architecture from scracth - Playlist by Core Dumped describing computer architecture starting with transistors.
- /r/beneater - A subreddit dedicated to Ben Eater’s project and other projects based/inspired by them.
- - Ben Eater’s site with information about his projects and project kits for sale.
- Digital Computer Electronics - This book by Albert Paul Malvino describes the SAP-1 computer (Simple-As-Possible 1), which forms the basis for Ben Eater’s computer.
- From Nand to Tetris - Course where you build a simulated computer from scracth.
- Build a Modern Computer from First Principles: From Nand to Tetris - Coursera version of the course covering the first half of the book - Simulated hardware build
- Build a Modern Computer from First Principles: Nand to Tetris Part II - Coursera version of the course covering the second half of the book - Software for the computer
- The Elements of Computing Systems, second edition: Building a Modern Computer from First Principles - The course book at Amazon